I`m sure that the topic question was kind of twisting your imagination to your limits, and you probably have some really weird suggestions.
Perhaps reading the topic, even gave you this tingling sensation at the top of your head.
Don`t worry, it was just your right and left side of the brain having a wrestling match about whether the answer to the question was creative or logical.
Let me stop the fight, call it a tie and just reveal the answer.
The answer is my birthday.
What are you saying, Tor?
Bear with me for a moment.
When I was a kid, my birthday was the special day I was looking forward to each year.
Since I have birthday one week before Christmas, I had to wait about a year between each time I got the special treatment. This was only boosting my long awaited joy when the 17th of December was marked on the calendar.
The birthday was probably a magical day for you too, at least when you were a kid.
Because everything was about you.
Your parents gave you the extra attention (and your siblings had to stand a little bit in the shadow). Then there were the presents, the singing, the cake, the party and the “too much candy in your stomach”-ache.
In other words, a perfect special day for a kid.
This time, I`ve decided to turn the tables and do my birthday with a twist.
I want to use my special day (yeah, it`s still a little bit special) to give thanks to the people who I`m grateful for being a part of my life.
First I just have to mention my family, my better half, Sara, and that I am really looking forward to become a father for the first time in the start of June.
The sentence above was mandatory in order to keep the peace at home 😉
Let me start out with my mentor, Yaro Starak.
Yaro Starak – Entrepreneurs Journey
Thank you, Yaro, for being my mentor and for always sharing abundantly with your knowledge and wisdom.
I really appreciate the way you share from your own experience, when we have questions for you. This makes me realize that you`ve been in our shoes too, and it`s giving me the sign that it`s okay to enter the dojo with a white belt.
Knowing you got my back, gives me the confidence to put in some massive action, not fearing to fall, but to focus on learning and becoming better. Of all the internet marketers out there, you are truly among the greatest.
The next praise goes to my dear accountability and sparring partner, Sue Anne Dunlevie.
Sue Anne Dunlevie – Successful Blogging
Thank you, Sue Anne, for being my accountability and sparring partner, and always giving me insightful feedback.
I really appreciate that you are kicking me in the butt and making me push myself even more. You truly are the world`s best accountability and sparring partner.
You inspire me with your actions, and you make put in the little extra each and every single day, in order to keep up with you. Thank you for being a beacon and leading the way.
I also have to thank you for inviting me to the amazing world of Triberr.
The last praise will go to my new friends on Triberr, which have welcomed me to their Tribe and community. Being among you makes me feel that I stand on the shoulders of giants.
Carol Amato – CarolAmato.com
Adam Connell – Blogging Wizard
Ryan Biddulph – Blogging From Paradise
Akshay Hallur – Go Blogging Tips
Dennis Seymour – Leapfroggr Marketing
Nathan Ambrose – NathanAmbrose.com
Corinne Kerston – CorinneKerston.com
Stacey Corrin – StaceyCorrin.co.uk
Mike DeVincent – Mr. Computer Science
Jonathan Rossignol – Live Free Live Rich
Taylor Gilmore – TaylorCares.com
Marc Andre – Profit Blitz
By now, you can probably understand why I`m so happy to have these people in my life.
This day is all about giving back.
The only thing that would make this day even more awesome, is if you could join me and share the praise.
Is there anyone you want to thank for your success?
Write the person`s name and how the person has inspired you below.
Tor Refsland
I help online entrepreneurs NETWORK with influencers and position their BRAND so they can attract the right CLIENTS fast. Award-winning blogger.
Happy birthday Tor! Congrats on becoming a father. My daughter just turned 2 a few weeks ago and I know you will really enjoy it.
Thanks a lot, Marc.
We are going to do the first ultrasound today, and fortunately we will know what type of sex it is. Not that it really matters, but I`m still a bit exited 😉
Thanks for sharing, Marc. I am really looking forward to becoming a father.
Tor, thanks so much for your kind mention! Each of the above bloggers rocks, from Yaro, to Sue, all the way down the pike. I know virtually all of them pretty well too. They are leaders, and darn smart, successful folks, to learn from and I gotta say I do learn from all of you on a daily basis. I love the idea of giving back too; hey, that’s why I blog from paradise 😉
Give freely, receive easily, is my mantra of mantras Tor and you’re doing a beyond awesome job in the giving department. If you really want to prosper online you’ll write awesome, linked in posts like these, and you’re acing it in this department, as well as through your social media campaign.
Well done Tor! Tweeting now.
Ryan, thanks a lot for your awesome reply and for your kind words.
It`s not hard for me to push myself and do the right actions, when I have people like you to lead the way 😉
I really started commenting on other people`s blog posts, when I saw you commenting like a mad man. I felt like you were literally everywhere with your great comments 😉
I started to think: hey, when this guy who is blogging from paradise, does it, I bet it`s working.
And it does 🙂
Thanks for stopping by and spreading the love 🙂
Happy Birthday Tor! Your Birthday is almost one week after my own (mine was the 11th), so big congratulations to you and thank you for the kind mention 🙂
Thanks a lot, Stacey.
Wow, a late happy birthday to you to, my friend 🙂
The pleasure is all mine 🙂
You cant get any better mentors than Yaro and Sue. 🙂
The rest of the list, they are all friends and superstars in their own categories, well, except me that is LOL so thanks for the mention Tor! I look forward to being someone that could help you in your blogging journey.
I just had my daughter a couple weeks back. So my advice, prepare your editorial calendar and prepare the content ahead. Especially if you plan to be hands on like me. 😀
Thanks for stopping by, Dennis.
Don’t be so modest, Dennis, it doesn`t suit you 😉
I really look forward to getting to know you guys better and to cooperate in order to bring some more awesomeness to the blogging world 🙂
A big congratulation with your daughter! Thanks for the tips. I`m hands on too, so I will definitely prepare my content and editorial calendar ahead.
Hi Tor.
First of all, congratulations on your fatherhood! Exciting times ahead.
Thank you for mentioning me on your post. I must be doing something right when I begin to get mentioned in the posts along with the other names that you mentioned. However, there is so much more I need to do, and I’m working on big plans for 2015.
It’s good to see that you have benefitted so much from other bloggers. It provides real evidence that engaging and learning from one another goes a long, long way.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your great comment, Nathan.
I`m really looking forward to becoming a father, but I need to become even better at planning ahead. Luckily I got some great tips from Dennis.
You are definitely doing something right, man When it comes down to it, we are all in the same boat. The fastest way towards success is giving and sharing.
Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help regarding your big plans in 2015 🙂
What an honor, Tor, to be in your birthday post! Thanks so much.
Triberr, as you know, has been such a great way to get traffic. But the best part is meeting all the great bloggers that are in the tribes!
Happy Birthday!
My pleasure, Sue.
That is the least I can do for you 😉
I know, the best part about Triberr is meeting all the great bloggers 🙂 A place for likeminded 😉
Thanks, Sue
Happy Birthday Tor and congratulations on your soon to be fatherhood! Thank you for including me in your birthday post. I’m honored!
Thanks a lot, Taylor.
The pleasure was all mine 🙂
Hi Tor,
Happy (belated) Birthday! Hope you had a great day.
My birthday was a couple of weeks back – just happen to share it with Pat Flynn – although he is slightly younger, better looking and probably has a healthier bank balance 🙂
You have some great mentors in Yaro and Sue, and I’m a big fan of Carol and Adam – they write such great content. Now I have few more names to check out…
Just getting started with Triberr so I’ll make a point to check these people out.
– David
Thanks, David.
A late happy birthday to you!
Well, no worries, Pat Flynn is probably saying the same about you 😉
My birthday was great 🙂 Got my first guest blog published at a major website, got these great guys to comment on my blog and share my content.
Thanks for stopping by and commenting, David 🙂
Happy Belated and Blessed Birthday, Tor! 🙂
I really appreciate your kind words – and the mention, Tor, thanks! Wow, so awesome of you to share and give back like this on YOUR birthday.
Have known Yaro for a few years, and Sue and I met this year and just hit it off right away. She’s a wonderful lady for whom I have a lot of respect.
So thankful Sue introduced you to me – I was super happy to open the doors to my Tribe. Tribber is one of my favorite places now. Welcome to the family.
Have a good evening.
Thanks a lot for stopping by and for your kind words, Carol 🙂
Both Yaro and Sue are amazing.
The pleasure was all mine 🙂
Hi Tor,
It’s my first time visiting your site and I’m not sure how I missed your blog?
Well, I’m happy to be here now. Congratulations to you and Sara!!! It’s a special time. My oldest son is now 19 and my other son is 13. It goes fast and my wife and I have treasured every moment. It’s a great feeling being a Dad!
I know many of the bloggers you’ve mentioned here and each one has been special to me in different ways over the last six months.
Ryan has really become a great friend and I love to support him in all his endeavors.
Carol is a very smart and articulate blogger and I really appreciate her style and thoughtfulness.
Adam – what is there to say about Adam other than he is really brilliant and I learn something new from him every week.
Dennis – just an awesome guy and I love engaging with him.
Marc – I’m just getting to know him but I appreciate his content.
I will be connecting with the others on your list. Thank you for the introduction.
I look forward to visiting your site frequently Tor!
Congratulations to you and Sara again!!!!
Have a great weekend.
~ Don Purdum
Hi Don,
great to see you here.
Thanks a lot for your long and great comment and for your congratulations. I`m really looking forward to the new role of parenthood 🙂
A great weekend to you too, Don.
Look at all these comments Tor – great start to your new blog!
And of course happy birthday! You share your birthday with a couple of other friends of mine based on what Facebook told me, so clearly a special day.
I’m looking forward to seeing what your birthday blog post will look like in 2015. Let’s set some clear goals in the EJ Insider so you know what you are working towards.
Thanks a lot for stopping by and for the great comment, Yaro.
I will set my 2015 goals in the EJ Insider 🙂
Hey Tor,
Great article and thanks for sharing! There are just too many from both my day job, previous bosses and online friends!
If I have to choose one, I would go for Adrienne Smith. She taught me about being a good community, leader and influencer. And she taught me NOT to give up and give more than taking.
So yup! There you go man.
Cheers and happy new year!
Hi Reginald,
thanks for stopping by and sharing.
Good lessons you got from Adrienne 🙂
A Happy New Year to you to, Reginald.
Hi Tor,
Congratulations to the soon to be a father!
This list of awesome people do have a few blogging gurus whom I follow. And the rest, it’s indeed a great pleasure to be introduced to newer people. I would definitely look forward to connect and learn from them.
Thanks for sharing such a wonderful list of people.
Thanks for stopping by and for the congratulations, Medha 🙂
It`s always good to get a recommendation of “new” great people to follow, which weren`t on your current list 😉
My pleasure.