Little did I know that today would be the day I would discover the 7 ways to increase productivity.
I am now sitting in the hospital, since my girlfriend is undergoing surgery. I brought my laptop so I could be productive while waiting.
What I realized is that I have been able to finish 3 blog posts and 2 templates(equals a blog post) in 3 hours. That equals 4 blog posts in 3 hours.
Until now, I have spent about 1,5 hour on writing a blog post (no English is not my primary language).
So, this means that I normally would have used about 6 hours on 4 blog posts.
So how did I manage to do it?
The answer is…. * drum roll *…..
The 7 ways to increase productivity with 100%
1. Work during your prime time
I know that I am usual most productive in the morning. This time I started 07.30 am. Note to self: start to get out of bed earlier in the morning.
2. Required tools
I had my laptop. I would neither be motivated nor being able to do it in the same efficiency if I had pen and paper.
3. Good and calm work environment
The waiting room at the hospital had a good temperature, not too warm and not too cold (a little bit more cold than warm, though). A warm work environment usually makes the mind lazy, and it`s hard to focus.
4. Clear goal
I knew exactly what I needed to do: open a word document and start to write. If you don`t know what task to do, you are not being productive, you are planning. I don`t say that planning is a bad thing, but it should be done beforehand.
5. Focus
No multitasking and not doing other things than the task at hand. No wandering thoughts. Only focus. On one task: to write.
6. No internet connection
If you are going to be very productive, you should turn off your internet connection during your highly productive time. Internet is one of the biggest distractions in our society today. If you are like me, it is easy to check your mail, “googling”, check your LinkedIn-, Facebook- and Twitter account, etc. And suddenly, 2 hours has passed by and you still haven`t been able to complete the work you set out to do.
[Tweet “If you are going to be very productive, you should turn off your internet connection #productivity “]
7. Muted cellphone
The phone will not be ringing and distract you. Perhaps it is sales person calling you, or your mother who is going to update you on aunt Doris`s dermatology problem. Some calls doesn`t need to be taken, and others can wait. You can always call them up after your productive time.
If you are reading my post, you are probably not the president of the United States. And yes, I know it is hard to realize, but the truth is that the world will probably still exist if you don`t answer you phone during your productive time.
When you are increasing your own productivity, it´s important that you stay motivated.
What is your best productivity tip to stay focused during your work day?
Comment below.
Tor Refsland
I help online entrepreneurs NETWORK with influencers and position their BRAND so they can attract the right CLIENTS fast. Award-winning blogger.
Good point, Tor, about turning off the internet connection.
I actually prefer paper and pen and I can shut down my laptop that way. Otherwise I get distracted and end up on email or on a forum!
Great to see you here, Sue.
Thanks for your comment and pointing out the good old paper and pen method. Often the most effective method is the simplest 🙂
Hi, Tor,
My favorite take away tips are muted cell phone and no Internet connection. I heard Barry Moore first suggest this, and in the beginning thought it was extreme.
As I pondered on how much could actually be accomplished without any interruptions from online stuff, it blew me away. I’ve been using this tactic, and it helps immensely so I concur with your tips that they actually do work! Awesome!
If I don’t have a clear purpose and an exact thing I’m going to be working on, I don’t sit down at my computer. I get up if I find myself off target. Switch off, get fresh air. Love it!
I probably spend less time working now yet accomplish more.
Your tips are wonderful, and I’ll be passing them along.
Have a great start to your week.
Hi Carol,
thanks a lot for stopping by to comment.
Yes, focus is key.
Since we all only have 24 hours, the big difference is what we spend them on.
I have always been very interesting in hacks on how to get the best result possible with the least amount of work spent.
The trick is as you say, Carol, to work smarter, not harder 🙂
Thanks for sharing from your experience.
I wish you a great day!
P.S. Where are your social media sharing buttons? 🙂
Hi Carol,
thanks for letting me know 🙂
The social shares button do work on pc. However, I can see that they don`t work on my mac.
I have contacted the plugin`s support.
Did you use pc or mac to visit my site?
Heyya. I actually prefer paper and pen and I can shut down my laptop that way. Otherwise I get distracted and end up on email or on a forum!
Hi Sneha,
pen and paper is may work, if you get easily distracted by sitting on your computer.
You can also just turn off your wifi 🙂
Very nice blog……all the tips you have shared from your experience are of great help to us……..thanks for sharing…..keep it up