Today is the day of honesty (yeah, I just created that day.)
So let`s be totally honest; you are REALLY fed up.
Fed up by not having enough traffic to your blog…
fed up by not having enough social shares…
fed up by not having enough comments…
fed up by not having enough email subscribers.
But worst of all…
…you are so freakin` fed up by being invisible in the overcrowded blogosphere.
Sounds familiar?
No worries. I have been there too.
And to be completely honest (since it`s the day of honesty) it sucks BIGtime!
You would do almost everything to solve those problems above, right?
Perhaps even go so far as shave your head…
or even sell your left kidney.
Well, I got good news for you.
No need to go bald or increase the amount of kidneys on the black market just yet.
Relax. Breathe. I got your back.
But before I proceed, I have a million dollar question:
Do you know which awesome day it is today?
If you answered that it`s mybirthday, then a flying high five to you! *SLAP*
But the day isn`t just awesome because it`s my birthday.
The day is truly awesome because I spend my birthday giving praise and thanks to other people, like I did with this blog post last year.
Yeah,it seems tohave become a tradition for me.
But before I start with giving thanks to the long list of awesome people, I want to talk about…
The Elephant In The Room
When you start building your brand online, regardless of whether you are a blogger, internet marketer, small business owner or freelancer, you will quickly realize…
that you feel so ALONE.
Yes, I said it!
It`s freakin` lonely to start out online when…
you don`t know anyone…
you are totally invisible…
you don`t know what to do…
you don`t know who to ask for help…
you are afraid to fail…
but worst of all…
…you are starting to doubt if you have what it takes to succeed online, even BEFORE your have started out (I hope that motivation is not your target niche).
A really great way to start, right?
And I am going to be completely transparent.
All the brutal facts above applied to me in the start too.
And yeah, I was a bit afraid.
Nah, who am I kidding? I was freakin` terrified.
I had just decided to leave my six-figure corporate job in order to start my first blog.
Now you are probably thinking: “Hey Tor, that is just crazy”.
Yup, you said it!
In addition, I was going to become a father for the first time.
And now you are probably thinking: “Tor, that is sooo crazy that running around in your local mall totally nude, would almost be perceived as normal compared to the crazy stuff you are doing”.
I couldn`t agree with you more.
Note: Let me make it crystal clear. I am not vouching for nudeness at malls or any other public place for that matter. I just had to say that, so I won`t be the one to blame if your 86 year old neighbour ninja ambushes you nude next time you are out shopping.
After a few months of struggling and banging my head against the wall.
I decided that I was…
Freakin` Tired Of The Loneliness Crap
Enough is enough, and I was no longer going to be a lonely ranger in the wild wild blogging west.
There is no glory in failing alone.
So what did I do?
I started networking with other people online (or blogger outreach as we bloggers call it).
And what happened?
It changed EVERYTHING.
After a short while…
I got to know A LOT of people…
my blog and brand got more and more noticed…
I knew what to do…
I knew who to ask for help…
I wasn`t afraid to fail anymore…
but most importantly…
…I knew that I had what it takes to succeed online.
All that happened because I created a blogger outreach strategy.
And guess what?
If I can do it. Then so can you!
You are probably thinking: “I get it, Tor. Blogger outreach is important, but does it REALLY work?”
Good question indeed.
Judge for youself.
Here are some of…
The Accomplishments In My First Year Of Blogging:
- Got 2000 targeted Twitter followers in 38 days (free traffic) – I now have about 12 300 followers
- Wrote a post that generated 20 231 page views in 6 days, 1500+ social shares and 80 comments
- Won “Most Epic blog post” on Jon Morrow`s blog Boost Blog Traffic
- Became a moderator for Serious Bloggers Only (Jon Morrow`s mastermind group)
- Became a case study for Jon Morrow`s Guest Blogging course
- Was asked to go through and give feedback on Jon Morrow`s Blog Launch Formula course
- Increased my email list in 779 subscribers in 60 days (by working 40 days)
- Included among the top 100 personal development blogs on 99 Smart Ideas
- Got 28 guest posts published on big websites, including Pick The Brain, Addicted 2 Success, Jeff Bullas, Tiny Buddha, Lifehack, etc.
- Got featured as a productivity expert on Inc.
- Got featured as an expert on 44 blogs, including Ahrefs, SEM Rush, Post Planner, Monster, etc.
- Added 347 subscribers to my list in one day by using what I call “The Banking Technique”
- Connected with hundreds of influencers by using what I call “The Thanks For The Party Technique”
- Created several digital products
- Have 3 blog posts ranking on the first page of Google, and several on page 2 and 3 (still climbing)
Note: Nothing of the above would have been possible, if I didn`t have a clear blogger outreach strategy.
I will soon be launching my free blogger outreach course called “How To Blog Outreach Like A Boss”. Only 100 spots available (seriously).
Click on the button below and reserve your spot, so you can receive some of my BEST tips (that no one else uses).
Click Here to Get Exclusive Blogger Outreach Course
You might be thinking: “Okay, Tor. You managed to do blogger outreach, and that`s good for you. But I don`t have as much time to spend on it as you do.”
I hear you.
Let me reveal something toyou; when I was building my blog, Sara and me became parents for the first timeforour lovely baby daughter Luna.
Did I mention that Luna had colic and she was screaming 20 hours per day in about 3 months straight?
Did I also mention that during that time, I managedto cancel a renting contract, get a bank loan and buy a new apartment in 3 days?
To be quite honest, on average I spent about 2 hours per week on blogger outreach.
I only managed to do it so effectively because I had a specific blogger outreach strategy (and I`m extremely productive).
If you think you can`t spend2 hours per week on one of the most IMPORTANT activities for your online business…
well, then you just don`t want it bad enough.
But I know that you can do it!
Then it`s time to dish away some praise to the awesome people.
Note:I have connected with so many great people, that if I forget to mention your name here, please forgive me. Just send me an email and I will lash myself with a penguin with a dull beak.
Without further ado, here is the list of awesome peeps (in no particular order)…
My Yearly Gratitude Journal Of Awesome People
Eben Pagan | Ramit Sethi | Michael Hyatt | James Wedmore | Amy Porterfield
Lewis Howes | Chalene Jonhson | Jon Morrow | Zac Johnson | Sujan Patel
Corbett Barr | James Clear | Darren Rowse | Brian Clark | Brian Tracy
Sonia Simone | Noah Kagan | Niklas Laninge | Liam Martin | Danny Iny
Pat Flynn | Glen Allsopp | Rich Schefren | Jeff Walker | Frank Kern
Brendon Burchard | Marie Forleo | Melanie Duncan | Marc and Angel | Seth Godin
Derek Halpern | Bryan Harris | Brian Dean | Joanna Jast | Will Blunt
Penny Zenker | Roger Gauthier | Jim Dougherty | Owen Hemsath | Michael Stelzner
Jeff Goins | Joanna Wiebe | Ramon Ray | John Meese | Anthony Tran
Brian Lang | Nellie Akalp | Luke Guy | Lauren Edvalson | Dr. Mark Costes
Donna Merrill | Lori Deschene | Maura Thomas | Marsha Stopa | Greg Faxon
(Click on the links below to go directly to the experts.)
Neil Patel | Evan Carmichael | Yaro Starak | Joel Brown | Jaime Tardy
John Lee Dumas | Chris Ducker | Ian Cleary | Donna Moritz | Henneke Duistermaat
Scott Eddy | Meghan M.Biro | Laura Vanderkam | Craig Jarrow | Mike Vardy
Aaron Lynn | Mark Shead | Annie Mueller | Todd R.Tresidder | Jennifer Gresham
Jonathan Mead | Glen Long | Annemarie Cross | Jennifer Johnson | Ramsay Taplin
Pauline Cabrera | Farnoosh Brock | Martina McGowan | Ebong Eka | Brittany Bullen
Ryan Cruz | Stuart Walker | Henrik Edberg | Adam Connell | Sue Anne Dunlevie
Jenna Dalton | Adrienne Smith | Sarah Arrow | Primoz Bozic | Adam Binder
Marc Andre | Ryan Biddulph | Enstine Muki | Jaime Buckley | Sylviane Nuccio
Samar Owais | Andrea Beltrami | Anthony Metivier | Christian Karasiewicz | Ankit Oberoi
Brandon Schaefer | Dennis Seymour | Mandie Sanders | Pooja Lohana | Darren DeMatas
Harleena Singh | Carol Amato | Sonia Thompson | Sarah Peterson | Brent Jones
Kevin Duncan | Paul Back | Peter Banerjea | Matthew Loomis | Fabrizio Van Marciano
Deborah Tutnauer | Brandon Yanofsky | Lauren Tharp | Codrut Turcanu | Nathan Ambrose
Andrew Warner | Ash Read | Barry Moore | Jason Will | David Amerland
Matthew Capala | Erlend Bakke | Jomer Gregorio | Drew Briney | Luke Jordan
(Click on the links below to go directly to the experts.)
Jeffrey Gitomer | Jeff Bullas | Steve Pavlina | Gideon Shalwick | Steven Aitchison
Michael Maidens | AJ Vaynerchuk | Dino Dogan | Ana Hoffman | Mark Ellwood
Mark Schaefer | Skip Prichard | James Dyson | Ted Rubin | Erin Falconer
Greg Hickman | Terri Trespicio | Mike Allton | Brooke Ballard | Thanh Pham
Jennifer Gluckow | Josh Coffy | Paula Rizzo | Nick Loper | Jenny Powers
Timo Kiander | Ashley Faulkes | Dustin W. Stout | Tanya Smith | Don Purdum
Ron Sela | Tim Soulo | Erik Emanuelli | Ileane Smith | Ricky Figueroa
Eddie Gear | Joseph Pitcher | Thai Nguyen | Dan R. Morris | David Leonhardt
Trevor McKendrick | Dave Schneider | Ruth King | Rick Ramos | Peter Banerjea
Paul Minors | Elna Cain | Josh Rasmussen | Kayla Matthews | Sharon Hurley Hall
Gail Gardner | Rohan Gilkes | Amber Hurdle | John Rampton | Roxana Nasoi
Mike Leigh | Douglas Lim | Natasha Vorompiova | Uttoran Sen | Andréa Jones
Devesh Sharma | Brian Young | Deborah Anderson | Zachary Sexton | Lisa Sicard
Jason Quey | Daniela Uslan | Kenny Andam | Jane Tabachnick | Paul Back
Eben Pagan from Get Altitude
EVOLUTION. Interested in brain science, psychology, raw food, great music, challenging myself, philosophy, yoga, changing the world. You know, normal stuff…
Ramit Sethi from I Will Teach You To Be Rich
Author of NYT bestseller, I Will Teach You To Be Rich. 1 million readers on business, careers, negotiation, psych, money.
Michael Hyatt from Michael Hyatt
Author of New York Times bestseller, Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World. Founder of Platform University and Best Year Ever.
James Wedmore from James Wedmore
Student of Human Behavior and Numbers. Marketing, Influence & Persuasion are my PASSIONS. INTJ.
Amy Porterfield from Amy Porterfield
I’ll show you exactly how to monetize your online marketing efforts and grow your social media fan base, grow your email list and boost your profits.
Lewis Howes from Lewis Howes
New York Times Bestselling author. Lifestyle Entrepreneur. Former pro athlete and USA National Team Handball athlete.
Chalene Johnson from Chalene Johnson
Follow me for Systems that make life better || NY Times Best Seller || Top Podcaster Celebrity Trainer || internet Business Builder
Jon Morrow from Boost Blog Traffic
CEO of Boost Blog Traffic, Former Editor at Copyblogger
Zac Johnson from Zac Johnson
Zac Johnson… the Entrepreneur, Internet Marketer, Blogger and Super Affiliate by Day, Super Hero at Night!
Sujan Patel from Sujan Patel
Growth Marketer. Co-Founder of & @Narrowio VP of Marketing @WhenIWork. Contributor at @Forbes, @Entrepreneur & @Inc Skydiver
Corbett Barr from Corbett Barr
Crafting entrepreneurs from a single piece of aluminium @Fizzle
James Clear from James Clear
Entrepreneur, weightlifter, and travel photographer in 20+ countries. Good things happen to me for no apparent reason.
Darren Rowse from ProBlogger
Speaker, Author, Blogger, Podcaster & Founder of @ProBlogger, @ProbloggerEvent & @DigitalPS. Husband to @Stylensh. Blogger/Ambassador for @WorldVisionAus
Brian Clark from Copyblogger
Founder and CEO of Rainmaker Digital (formerly Copyblogger Media), host of , and curator of
Brian Tracy from Brian Tracy
Professional #Speaker, #Author, #Success Expert, CEO of #BrianTracy International™
Sonia Simone from Copyblogger
writer; marketer; kettlebell junkie; meditator. chief content officer & co-founder of rainmaker digital. believer in peace, love, and the scientific method. Contentlandia •
Noah Kagan from OkDork
Brilliant marketer and founder of OkDork and AppSumo. You have to follow this dude, and not just because he gives you awesome taco tips.
Niklas Laninge from Daily Bits Of
Making learning frictionless, free and fun at @dailybitsof
Liam Martin from Time Doctor
Academic Ninja, Process Designer, Study hacker, Time Doctorer…
Danny Iny from Mirasee
Thought Leader on Audience and Course Building, and Business Reimagination Author of the ebook “Teach And Grow Rich”. Get it at Amazon.
Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income
Thanks a lot for everything you are doing with Smart Passive Income. Your website and income reports helped believe that it was truly possible to make money online. You are an awesome podcaster and a internet marketing guinea pig extraordinaire. I love your motto: “Lead by example. Be honest. Hold nothing back.”
Glen Allsopp from ViperChill
I run an SEO company and help people build their own Marketing Inc.’s
Rich Schefren from Strategic Profits
I Teach Entrepreneurs How To Have More Money, More Business, More Time Off. Love My Girls, My Biz, My Team…MY LIFE! Bilde av meg og Rich
Jeff Walker from Jeff Walker
Jeff is the #1 New York Times Bestselling author of LAUNCH, and the creator of the Product Launch Formula
Frank Kern from Frank Kern
Frank Kern is an internet marketing consultant. Frank Kern is the creator of Mass Control and List Control.
Brendon Burchard from Brendon Burchard
Brendon is a #1 New York Times bestselling author whose books include The Motivation Manifesto, The Charge, and Life’s Golden Ticket.
Marie Forleo from Marie Forleo
I’m here to help you make a difference & be your happiest, wisest & most loving self. Want to be sure to reach me? Write info AT marieforleo DOT com XO.
Melanie Duncan from Melanie Duncan
I own and operate 7 figure physical product and online information businesses while I #workfromwherever (and I can show you how to do the same too.)
Marc and Angel Chernoff from Marc And Angel
Full-time students of life & admirers of the human spirit. We have spent the past decade studying & writing about what it takes to find happiness, love & peace.
Seth Godin from Seth Godin
Amazing Author, blogger, a lifetime of projects.
My first impression from Seth was on YouTube, when the Norwegian marketer Thomas Moen interviewed him:
Seth is really sharing some golden nuggets about tribes and marketing. A must watch.
Derek Halpern from Social Triggers
Investor & Founder of Social Triggers, which reaches more than 400,000 entrepreneurs each month. I’m 99% useless, but that 1% when I’m not, I’m dangerous.
Bryan Harris from Videofruit
@Videofruit by day. Auburn fan by night. Having fun with @stacyaharris all the time.
Brian Dean from Backlinko
Link Building. SEO. Content Marketing. Conversions.
Joanna Jast from The Shapeshifters Club
Entrepreneur, educator, edutech fan. Finding ways to accelerate learning and personal change. Tweeting on brain hacks, retraining and reinventing yourself
Will Blunt from Blogger Sidekick
Helping digital marketers get more traffic, leads and revenue. Founder of @BloggerSidekick, Managing Editor at @Bluewire_Media and massive Drake fan!
Penny Zenker from Penny Zenker 360
Personal Productivity Expert. Creator of the P10: Productivity Accelerator Program, the next generation of time management.
Roger Gauthier from The Entrepreneur Pitstop
CEO TVG, Lvng Hsbnd, #Dad, #Entrepreneur #BusinessCoach, #Speaker, #Author, #HealthAdvocate. Tweet on #Start-ups, #SpiritGrowth, #MCI’s, #FulfillingDestiny
Jim Dougherty from Leaders West
Leaderswest is a collaborative digital marketing journal focused on research and best practices for social media, content and search marketers.
Owen Hemsath from The Video Spot
Founder of Videospot. Video marketing in San Diego. We have the flexibility of a videographer with the power of a marketing agency.
Michael Stelzner from Social Media Examiner
Founder Social Media Examiner @smexaminer, host of Social Media Marketing podcast, authored Launch & Writing White Papers. Committed Christian and dad.
Jeff Goins from Goins Writer
I help people share their gift with the world. Best-selling author of The Art of Work ( ). Dad and husband. Guacamole connoisseur.
Joanna Wiebe from Copy Hackers
I teach startups how to convert like mofos using li’l ol’ words, old-skool copywriting and new-skool smartz. Also @air_story.
Ramon Ray from Smart Hustle Magazine
Infusionsoft & Smart Hustle Magazine – LOVER of small business entrepreneurial #SmartHUSTLE!
John Meese from John Meese
Father, husband, and dream architect doing newfangled stuff online.
Anthony Tran from Marketing Access Pass
Website Designer, Podcast Host, Online Marketing Expert, Business Coach, Public Speaker, Lakers & 49ers Fan
Brian Lang from Small Business Ideas Blog
I am a small business owner since 2002 and blog to give free business tips and ideas.
Nellie Akalp from Corp Net
Mom of four, married to husband & biz partner of 18 years, CEO of , startup expert and serial entrepreneur
Luke Guy from Luke Guy
Blogger, Young Entrepreneur, Marketer, Business Insider, SEO Guy.
Lauren Edvalson from Edvalson Marketing
CEO at @Edvalson_Mktg Volunteer for @KRM4ChildCancer Mama of two, Lover of all things digital marketing.
Dr. Mark Costes from Six Figure Side Gig Podcast
Dr. Mark Costes highlights some of most successful entrepreneurs and how they were able to transition from start-ups to multiple six figure empires.
Donna Merrill from Donna Merrill Tribe
Blogging and Internet Marketing Coach, #blogging Follow
Lori Deschene from Tiny Buddha
Simple wisdom for complex lives. Quotes, tips & stories to help us help ourselves and each other. TINY BUDDHA® BOOK by Lori Deschene:
Maura Thomas from Regain Your Time
#Trainer #speaker: #attention management & #productivity. #Author, HBR Contributor. Bostonian #treehugger #grateful #happy, #Vistage, Board of @GENaustin
Marsha Stopa from Boost Blog Traffic
Right hand to the King, His Royal Awesomeness Jon Morrow, and Keeper of the Kingdom. In love with the Blue Ridge Mountains.
Greg Faxon from Greg Faxon
Catalyst for Entrepreneurs. I’m here to help you win the inner game of business (and life). Your fear is scared of me.
Neil Patel from NeilPatel
Neil, thanks a lot for participating in my roundup posts. What you have done with Kissmetrics, Crazy Egg and QuickSprout is nothing else than legendary.
Evan Carmichael from EvanCarmichael
Evan, where to start? First of all thanks for being so super awesome, and for pushing me out of my comfort zone. You are a true example on how to do real content marketing. You always over-deliver! Rock on!
Yaro Starak from Entrepreneurs-Journey
My mission is to help you create a blog and turn it into a platform to sell your products and services, so you too can live the laptop lifestyle.
Joel Brown from Addicted2Success
CEO & Founder of | The #1 Motivation & Inspiration Website | Follow Me –
Jaime Tardy from Eventual Millionaire
Business coach – Interviewed over 200 millionaires – been in lots of national press – love martial arts and geeky things! Author of The Eventual Millionaire
John Lee Dumas from Entrepreneur On Fire
EOFire: Awarded Best in iTunes: Ready to start YOUR Podcast?
Chris Ducker from ChrisDucker
Serial Entrepreneur, Business Coach, Bestselling Author, Keynote Speaker, Podcaster and Blogger. Founder of @VStaffFinder and the @Youpreneur Community!
Ian Cleary from Razor Social
Award Winning Tech Blogger on RazorSocial, Social Media Tools Guy, Contributor for Social Media Examiner, VentureBeat etc Prof Speaker, Kick Boxer!
Donna Moritz of Socially Sorted
Winner Best Australian Business Blog 2014 | Visual Social Media & Content Strategy | Create Visual Content (Free Training)
Henneke Duistermaat from Enchanting Marketing
Irreverent marketer and business writing coach. On a mission to stamp out gobbledygook. Regular contributor @copyblogger.
Scott Eddy from MrScottEddy
I’m Jamaican-Lebanese-American. From Miami, lived in Bangkok-Portugal-Spain-UK-Manila. Top 10 Global Travel Influencer on Klout. Brand Ambassador for @Zipkick
Successful serial entrepreneur and travel king!
Meghan M.Biro from Talent Culture
CEO @TalentCulture | #TChat Wed 1pmET | @Forbes @Entrepreneur @HuffingtonPost | #HR #Tech #Socbiz #Entrepreneur #FutureOfWork
Laura Vanderkam from LauraVanderkam
Author of I Know How She Does It (Portfolio: 2015), What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast (2013), and 168 Hours (2010).
Craig Jarrow from Time Management Ninja
Founder of Time Management Ninja. | Author, speaker, & coach. | Helping you win the battle against wasted time, disorganization, and all other things evil…
Mike Vardy from Productivityist
Husband. Father. Writer. Productivity Strategist. Productivityist Founder. Creator of the Beyond Productivity workshop, The Night Owl Action Plan, & many books.
Productivity Master. Australian. Efficient Asian.
Founder of Productivity 501.
Annie Mueller from Freakishly Productive
I like long walks in the woods. Founder of Freakishly Productive and AnneMueller.Com
Todd R.Tresidder from Financial Mentor
Retired hedge fund manager turned money coach and financial blogger at . Loves the outdoor lifestyle, family, and endurance sports.
Jennifer Gresham from Everyday Bright
Writer, speaker, scientist, career activist. I help overachievers design a life and career they love. Founder of the No Regrets Career Academy.
Jonathan Mead from Paid To Exist
Founder of Paid To Exist. Help you close the gap between what you love to do and what you can get paid to do.
Glen Long from Boost Blog Traffic
Writer, editor and blogging aficionado. Managing Editor of – the popular blog of @JonMorrow.
Annemarie Cross from AnnemarieCross
Business, Career & #PurposefulLeadership Consultant. Host of #WomenInLeadership Podcast. Show Up; Stand Up; Speak Up! BE the Difference. #Leadership
Jennifer Johnson from Coaches Connection Academy
Jennifer Johnson, award winning Coach of the Feminine Soul, specializes in teaching entrepreneurs, of all shapes and sizes, to go from hiding out to having the confidence that comes from being in alignment with who they really are. Her motto is, “You don’t have to be a size 6 to make six figures!”
Ramsay Taplin from Blog Tyrant
Sold a blog for 5-figures in college. Now blogging full time from the couch. Here’s my 9,000 word guide on how to dominate your niche:
Pauline Cabrera from TwelveSkip
Savvy Web Designer / Social Media Manager / Blogging Coach / SEO Strategist. I dig Marketing, Branding + Graphic Design. Media Kits?
Farnoosh Brock from Prolific Living
Author, Career & Executive Coach, Speaker, Ashtanga Yoga Lover, Book Addict and Globe Trotter. Get your positive affirmation audio gift:
Martina McGowan from MartinaMcGowan
Physician (#Doc), Writer, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, minister, coach, speaker, lifelong seeker-learner, Momi, Ma’Mere, haikuist.
Ebong Eka from EbongEka
Bestselling Author, Speaker, @TEDx, CPA | Biz Coach/Strategist, RAISE YOUR PRICES – | Periscope/BLAB: @EbongEka
Brittany Bullen from BrittanyBullen
I lead a growing team of freelancers for hire. I love #startups, #marketing, #smallbiz and cake pops.
Ryan Cruz from Traffic Salad
Feel like your online marketing campaigns aren’t quite working? Let me show you how PROFITABLE SEM/PPC/Facebook Ads can be. Ryan is rocking it through his great blog TrafficSalad. He was the reason why I bought LeadPages. Darn you, Ryan. Darn, you. Nah, just kidding, LeadPages totally kicks b*tt.
Stuart Walker from Niche Hacks
Niche Domination Shortcuts: Find hot niche markets, get epic tutorials, access done for you niche research reports + content and more. Stuart is an niche expert on… wait for it… Niche markets. How cool is that? Well, you really need to know your niche in order to do that 😉
Henrik Edberg from Positivity Blog
Henrik is rocking his blog from Sweden, a smallish country in the north of Europe, and the neighbor country of Norway. Yaay! Scandinavian blog power.
Adam Connell from Blogging Wizard and Purcus
I help entrepreneurs reach more people online. Founder of @BloggingWizard. Fan of Firefly and Chinese takeaways.
Sue Anne Dunlevie from Successful Blogging
Helping beginning bloggers succeed online. Follow me for a free eBook on How To Attract 1000 Subscribers in 30 Days
Jenna Dalton from JennaDalton

Blogging. Client Attraction Strategist. Loves: great quotes, dance breaks, unconditional kindness. Get more eyes on your blog:
Adrienne Smith from AdrienneSmith
Serious Blogger helping Entrepreneurs l Engagement Superstar l Mom to Kayla l Loves People l Serious Brownie Eater l Giving Heart.
Sarah Arrow from Sark e-Media
One of the UK’s leading bloggers, Forbes listed 3 times. Join and blog better in 30 days
Primoz Bozic from Skyrocket Your Productivity
Former productivity blogger, now transformed into business coach. One of Ramit Sethi`s top students. Primoz, you have inspired me to become a top student in all the classes I take. Thanks for the inspiration!
Adam Binder from Creative Click Media
Looking to generate more revenue & qualified leads from your website? You’re in the right place!
Marc Andre from Profit Blitz
Internet marketing blogger.
Ryan Biddulph from Blogging From Paradise
Author, blogger and traveler.
Enstine Muki from EnstineMuki
Blogger and PHP Developer For tips to earn more money online, visit my blog . Check out My Job Board for bloggers
Jaime Buckley from Wanted Hero
#Fiction #author, #illustrator, popular #parenting #blogger & Dad of 12. Builder of Worlds, Maker of Heroes, Slayer of Monsters. Still has to do dishes…
Sylviane Nuccio from SylvianeNuccio
Expert #Writer. #ContentMarketing Strategies. #Blogging and Personal Development Coach #LifeCoaching. #LawOfAttraction #Success
Samar Owais from SamarOwais
Dubai based freelance writer and blogger. Love writing (kinda goes without saying), road trips, and lava cakes. I blog at
Andrea Beltrami from The Branded Solopreneur
Brand Stylist | Visual Strategist | Happy Hour Aficionado: My mission is to help solopreneurs brand their biz like a boss
Anthony Metivier from Magnetic Memory Method
Memory techniques enthusiast. Author. Bassist. Scholar. Occasional magician.
Christian Karasiewicz from Christian K Online
Social Media and Facebook Marketing pro. Social Business Manager @IBM. Founder of @SocialChefs, Apple guru and tennis player. #AskCK My tweets are my own.
Ankit Oberoi from AdPushup
Co-founder @innobuzzks and @adpushup. Usability, Split Testing, Optimization, Growth Hacking, Performance & Web Analytics. Obsessed with learning new languages.
Brandon Schaefer from 90 Day Entrepreneur
I’m an entrepreneur that helps SaaS companies and startups convert free users to paying customers.
Dennis Seymour from LeapFroggr
Full Stack SEO | Digital Marketer | #Muggle Born | @LeapFroggr Co-Founder. I also blog at – Any social network @denseymour
Mandie Sanders from Rambling Mandie
Nerdy, nomadic, coffee-powered code aficionado (aka web & graphic designer). Animal lover. Cupcake enthusiast.
Pooja Lohana from Damn Fine Writing
I’m a #ghostwriter #freelancewriter #problogger helping entrepreneurs simplify content marketing. Featured in MarketingProfs, Problogger, Hongkiat, JeffBullas.
Darren DeMatas from Intertwine Marketing
Christian. I help entrepreneurs make ecommerce websites relevant to search engines & people. Internet Marketing MBA. Google AdWords & Copyblogger Certified.
Harleena Singh from Aha-Now
Freelance #writer and #blogger. Quality is my forte, and fascination my domain. Blogs- &
Carol Amato from CarolAmato
The blogging coach with the big heart.
Sonia Thompson from TRY Business
I teach business owners how to get the customers they want, and keep them coming back. Step-by-step. I’m also a bit obsessed with tango, and travel.
Sarah Peterson from Unsettle
Insanely actionable guides for people who refuse to settle for mediocrity. Get my FREE course to find & validate your lifestyle biz idea This awesome blogger is my favourite Canadian girl and my SAP. It stands for Super Accountability Partner (not the boring IT system I used program in). We are keeping each other accountable so we get stuff done. And it works like a charm!
Brent Jones from Brent Jones Online
Free eBook Download: | Brent Jones Online | Freelancer, Blogger & Internet Marketer | Let me help you build your business.
Kevin Duncan from Be A Better Blogger
Want to be a better #blogger? I can help with that. I serve a great God, love a great wife, and create things that are sometimes great.
Paul Back from Earn A Living Blogging
My Name is Paul Back. I’m passionate about blogging, and online marketing. I have started two online businesses, but I wouldn’t call myself a guru.
Peter Banerjea from FreeMind PitStop
Co-Founder, SuccessIsWhat | #timemanagement #productivity coach . On a mission to help people achieve their goals faster. Blog:
Matthew Loomis from Build Your Own Blog
I help new bloggers find freedom and reach their dreams. Follow my Dummy Proof Steps and build a quality website today. IM me on the site.
Fabrizio Van Marciano from Magnet4Blogging
Proud father of two, professional blogger Graphic and WordPress Website Designer at Magnet4Blogging. Appledore, England ·
Deborah Tutnauer from DeborahTutnauer
I am the Question Master. I Coach Frustrated Entrepreneurs to get Real about Money, Marketing, Meaning. Authentic Business Foundation and Framework Development.
Brandon Yanofsky from WP Radius
WordPress developer. Coder. Co-Founder of
Lauren Tharp from LittleZotz Writing
Writing for businesses. Advice for writers.
Codrut Turcanu from CodrutTurcanu
* Marketing Online Since 1999. . I connect with industry experts & bloggers for interviews @
Nathan Ambrose from NathanAmbrose
#Administrative #Consultant and Blogger. Helping you to get things done and make things happen for your #business. #GTD #London.
Andrew Warner from Shade Of Info
Super Ambitious, Great Human Being, One-Of-a-Kind Professional Blogger, Owner Of | #blogging #entrepreneur
Ash Read from GetNudge
Content Crafter @buffer. Loves sports, music, startups and travel. Make a life, not just a living. Building @postreach & @nudge_app on the side.
Barry Moore from The Active Marketer
Internet marketer and podcaster.
Jason Will from ZipKick
Co-Founder of Personalized ZipKick. Travel Search & Booking. Anytime, Anywhere. Sign up for the beta at
David Amerland from DavidAmerland
Author, Speaker, Analyst. All-round tech rat with a penchant for mischief.
Matthew Capala from Search Decoder
Internet Entrepreneur, Workshops at , #SEO Ideas at , Life Hacker @SumoHacks, Speaker, Author of #SEOLike5
Erlend Bakke fromYou Will Never Work Again
Serial entrepreneur and podcaster.
Jomer Gregorio from CJG Digital Marketing
A #Christian #SEO and Online Marketing #Entrepreneur who believes that all individuals deserve to be happy, fulfilled and wealthy.
Drew Briney from A New Breed Of Dragon
#SciFi #Fantasy #Author with a #visionary, unorthodox view of the future, gripping #prose, & #thriller paced scenes. World’s only #StoryJuggler. #Moon514
Luke Jordan from Intergeek
Founder of intergeek. Founded in late 2014, Intergeek aims to bring a community of people together that are interested in SEO, blogging, social media, content marketing and more.
Jeffrey Gitomer from Gitomer
King of sales, dad, granddad, writer, friend. Coming soon to Kickstarter.
Jeff Bullas from Jeff Bullas
#1 Content Marketing Influencer,Social Media Marketing Strategist & Speaker,Forbes Top 10 Social Media Influencer,Huffington Top 100 Business Twitter Accts
Steve Pavlina from Steve Pavlina
Steve is widely recognized as one of the most successful personal development bloggers on the Internet, with his work attracting more than 100 million visits to his website, He has written more than 1300 articles and recorded many audio programs on a broad range of self-help topics, including productivity, relationships, and spirituality. Steve has been quoted as an expert by the New York Times, USA Today, U.S. News & World Report, the Los Angeles Daily News, Self Magazine, The Guardian, and countless other publications.
Gideon Shalwick fromSplasheo and Veeroll
I am totally in love with everything online video. I love every aspect of it, and using it to grow my businesses. Follow me here on Twitter to see how I do it!
Steven Aitchison from Steven Aitchison
The UKs No1 Personal Development Blogger.
Michael Maidens from Michael Maidens
Expert in product launches and business model developing. A member of Jeff Walkers platinum mastermind group.
AJ Vaynerchuk from Vayner Media
COO: @VaynerMedia, Partner: @VaynerRSE, Co-founder: @GrapeStory
Dino Dogan from Dino Dogan
Founder of Triberr. This is where I tweet. Banner image credit @iSummit w/ @Danielmcgaw, @larrykim , @tedmurphy, and @oligardner.
Ana Hoffman from Traffic Generation Cafe
I plan on blogging forever. So far, so good. In need of sleep, sanity, and a hug.
Mark Ellwood from Get More Done
I’m a productivity consultant specializing in corporate time studies and Terrific Meetings – training, team building, and facilitation.
Mark Schaefer from Business Grow
Chieftain of the blog {grow} & social media bouncer. Consultant, educator, author of five best-selling books including Social Media Explained & The Content Code
Skip Prichard from Skip Prichard
Growth-oriented CEO. Blog: Leadership Insights & interviews with #authors.
James Dyson from Optimize Press
CEO & Founder @OptimizePress. I help businesses and entrepreneurs sell their products and services with innovative software solutions
Ted Rubin from Ted Rubin
For good ideas and true #innovation, you need human interaction… let’s engage!
Erin Falconer from Pick The Brain
Canadian living in L.A.; Co-Founder of @LEAFtv; Editor in Chief & Co-Owner of @PickTheBrain; Follow me on instagram: erinfalconer
Greg Hickman from
Marketing systems, automation, sales funnels and helping you work less but make more.
Terri Trespicio from Terri Trespicio
I can help you nail your brand & boost your biz. Solopreneur @grantcardonetv. Free networking ebook:
Mike Allton from The Social Media Hat
Get help for your #SmallBiz with #SocialMedia and #Marketing.
Brooke Ballard from B Squared Online Media
Founder of B Squared Online Media. Modern digital marketing strategies & done-for-you social media mangement. At B², we #ThinkConversation, Not Campaign. Let’s Chat:
Thanh Pham from Asian Efficiency
Geek at @asianefficiency. Eggs benedict connoisseur. Green tea sipper. Book worm. Lakers fan. ISFJ.
Jennifer Gluckow from Sales In A NY Minute
Awesome sales coach. Success at the speed of sales. Yours in less than a New York Minute. Follow me to the bank. 212.951.1153
Josh Coffy from Flight Media
My favourite dude from Ohio. Success entreperneur. Fully-Caffeinated. Social Strategist. Blogger.
Paula Rizzo fromList Producer
Senior Health Producer, Author: Listful Thinking: Using Lists to be More Productive, Organized and Less Stressed
Nick Loper fromSide Hustle Nation
Helping entrepreneurs and busy professionals find the right virtual assistant solution to meet their needs.
Jenny Powers fromRunning With Heels
Running With Heels is New York’s invitation-only society for on the go, in the know women executives and entrepreneurs.
Timo KianderSmart Productive Work
Boost Your Performance by Working Smart. Running the blog Smart Productive Work (formerly known as Productive Superdad).
Ashley Faulkes fromMad Lemmings
Creating websites that get you customers. That’s right, I don’t just make stunning websites. SEO, Content, WordPress are friends!. Also enjoy SUP. Ashley helped me get my blog pictures go from suck to kind of awesome. 60 minuntes on Skype was all that it took. U rock, Ashley!
Dustin W. Stout
Social Media Consultant, Speaker, Designer, Blogger. CMO @WealMedia, co-founder @WarfarePlugins, blogger @dustntv. Find me on Google+.
Tanya SmithfromTanya Smith Online
☆ Snack Size Social Media Micro Content Strategy & Creation ☆ @Copyblogger Certified Content Marketer ☮ Hip Soccer Mama | Social Bio:
Don Purdum fromUnveil The Web
I am an award winning blogger and branding / marketing consultant that helps businesses create inspiring brands and messages that identify with their audiences.
Ron Sela fromRon Sela
Profit-Driven Marketer | Content Marketing Strategist @dapulselabs | Blogger at | Influence Marketing Expert | Opinions are my own.
Tim Soulo fromBlogger Jet
Head of Marketing @ahrefs.
Erik Emanuelli fromErik Emanuelli
Blogger, Traveler and Freelance Writer. Extreme Sports Lover. Certified Skydiver. Social Media Addict. Running
Ileane Smith fromIleane Smith
Blogger, Podcaster, YouTuber, Social Media Diva! Find Your Voice. Capture Your Audience.
Ricky Figueroa fromBlog Launch Insider
My good buddy, Ricky knows his stuff when it comes to traffic, conversion and how to pre-sell your products before even spending a penny. Entrepreneur, Founder of Blog Launch Insider™ Launch & Conversion Focused Strategies for Bloggers, Marketers and Entrepreneurs.
AnthonyMetivier fromMagnetic Memory Method
Memory techniques enthusiast. Author. Bassist. Scholar. Occasional magician.
Eddie Gear fromBroke Bloke Blogs
#GrowthHacker #Marketer #Blogger
Joseph Pitcher fromTextile Artist is a place for textile artists to be inspired and communicate with like-minded creatives.
Thai Nguyen fromThe Utopian Life
Freelance Writer / Editor / Consultant.
Dan R. Morris fromBlogging Concentrated
We believe it’s time podcasters, vloggers and bloggers can turn their hobby into a respected career. That’s why we run Blogging Concentrated and Amplify Podcast
David Leonhardt fromThe Happy Guy Writing Services
I run THGM. We write and we promote. I love nature and living simply. Follow me also on
Trevor McKendrick fromThe Launch Campus
Built first company in Spanish and sold to Salem Media (NASDAQ: SALM). Now trying new stuff. Love all things entrepreneurship, books, and México.
Dave Schneider fromNinja Outreach
Co-Founder of blogger outreach software @ninjaoutreach – . Obsessed with business, marketing, and travel.
Ruth King fromProfitability Revolution Paradigm
Profitability Master, Serial Entrepreneur, CEO Profitability Revolution LLC, , best selling author, marathon runner, photographer
Rick Ramos from Rick Ramos
#CMO of @HealthJoy ( ) and Author of Content Marketing: – #ContentMarketing #Healthcare #Startup
Paul Minors fromPaul Minors
Coffee drinker, tech enthusiast and #productivity blogger. Start my free 7-Day Productivity Plan at .
Elna Cain fromInnovative Ink
Professional writer for hire. I offer ghostwriting, copywriting and blog writing to B2B and B2C companies | #Freelance | #Blogger |
Josh Rasmussen fromZipkick
Co-Founder of Personalized ZipKick. Travel Search & Booking. Anytime, Anywhere. Sign up for the beta at
Kayla Matthews fromProductivity Theory
Writer and blogger; Self-Improvement and tech @MakeUseOf; Editor: @ProductiTheory & @ProductiBytes; Health @HuffingtonPost
Sharon Hurley Hall fromSharon Hurley Hall
Pro writer/blogger. Polymath. Word nerd. Love #writing #socialmedia #analytics #content Newsletter Clips:
Gail Gardner fromGrow Map
Freelance Writer and Small Business Content and Social Marketing Strategist. Add me on Skype (username growmap).
Rohan Gilkes fromGrooveliving
Just a regular cat trying to find his way in the world.
Amber Hurdle fromAmber Hurdle
I help entrepreneurs experience empowerment & business mastery, & serve Fortune 500s as a vibrant leadership speaker & trainer. Fueled by hot wings & red wine.
John Rampton fromDue
Entrepreneur, Investor & Connector. Founder of @Due. I blog about my success and my epic failures on @Entrepreneur, @TechCrunch, @Forbes and @Inc.
Roxana Nasoi fromSERPlified
@Upwork Ambassador in #Bucharest. Digital Marketing Manager at @goranker. Co-Founder @remoath. The Brain at SERPlified. 100% Entrepreneur blood. 🙂
Mike Leigh fromML Strategic Management
Strategic management specialist.
Douglas Lim fromDouglas Lim Digital
Digital Marketer and Social Media Mentor. Grab my email course which teaches you five strategies on generating leads using social media.
Natasha Vorompiova fromSystems Rock
Travel junkie, caring mom and good book lover. Systems Chick passionate about helping solopreneurs get more done in less time
Uttoran Sen fromGuest Crew
CEO and Co-Founder of – @guestcrew I love blogging, being active on Social Media and Guest Post on A-list blogs
Andréa Jones fromOnlineDrea
Social Media Manager // Blogger // Girly Girl // Tech Junkie // Fashion Fiend // Check out my free guide for businesses on a budget —
Devesh Sharma fromWP Kube
I’m an 21 year old blogger, Internet marketer, WordPress fanatic, and founder of
Brian Young fromHome Painters Toronto
Founder of Home Painters Toronto. Interior and Exterior painting. Residential and Commercial. Serving Toronto and the GTA since 1991.
Deborah Anderson fromSocial Web Cafe
Founder of Social Web Cafe and a jazz singer. How cool is that?
Zachary Sexton fromAsian Efficiency
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and to have one hell of a good time… sometimes this makes planning the day difficult. Zack is the podcast boss at Asian Efficiency.
Lisa Sicard fromInspire To Thrive
Interests: #socialmedia, webmaster, #blogger, #marketing, health, #realestate, news, nature photos, pets, wanna be meteorologist.
Jason Quey fromThe Storyteller Marketer
I help entrepreneurs connect with experts, influencers, & lynchpins so they can rapidly grow their business together | Evangelist at 6 companies | Christian.
Daniela Uslan fromDaniela Uslan
I help #bloggers find their superpowers, define their voices, and grow their audiences. Join my Facebook group for bloggers:
Kenny Andam fromPayOdd Inc.
Entrepreneur Extraordinaire, Athlete, Published Author, Corporate Execute, Media & Entertainment Producer/Director, Software Engineer, and Public Speaker. Get his book Scarlet Minor And The Renegade here.
Jane Tabachnick fromJane Tabachnick
Buzz, publicity and business builder, eternally inquisitive entrepreneur, digital and content strategist, creator, mom.
Nicholas Snapp fromMake It Snappy Show
Husband, father, entrepreneur, lover of Jesus Christ. Drawn towards culture, stupid humor & adventure, yet battles elitist tendencies towards music.
Matt Banner fromOn Blast Blog
Author of . Here to help guide and inspire bloggers (and those who have yet to become one!) Need help? Just reach out!
What To Do Next…
As mentioned: I will soon be launching my free blogger outreach course called “How To Blog Outreach Like A Boss”.
Only 100 spots available (seriously). Reserve your spot now by clicking on the button below and receive some of my BEST tips (that no one else uses).
Click Here to Get Exlusive Blogger Outreach Course
What is your experience with blogger outreach?
How did that impact your online business?
If you want to give me a birthday present, please don`t send me packages in the mail (my better half, Sara, thinks that I have enough stuff). However, feel free to share this post. Thanks 😉
Tor Refsland
I help online entrepreneurs NETWORK with influencers and position their BRAND so they can attract the right CLIENTS fast. Award-winning blogger.
Hi Tor! HAPPY BIRTHDAY and thanks for including me in your list! I really appreciate it. You are an amazing blogger and person, and I am so glad we’re in our Mastermind group together! And you are also a master of Blogger Outreach! I am signing up for your course because I know I can learn so much from you.
Thanks a lot, Daniela.
Your kind words are definitely making me blush.
Also, thanks for signing up for my course and for the shoutout.
You just made my day with your comment, my friend!
Hi Tor,
Happy birthday, my friend!
Wow, you’ve had an amazing year filled with wonderful accomplishments. I didn’t know you were a moderator for Jon’s SBO group. That’s awesome!
I’m humbled you chose to give me a shout out. I’m grateful for you, too, Tor. You’ve been very supportive of Be A Better Blogger, and I truly appreciate it. I hope we’re able to connect even more in the coming year!
I’ll tweet this right away. Congrats again!
– @kevinjduncan
Thanks a lot for your kind words, Kevin.
I really appreciate it. The feelings are mutual, my friend 🙂
Have a great day!
What a hard worker and the results are pouring in…keep it up Tor…proud of ya!
A million thanks, John.
Well, you are inspiring me, my friend.
Why should we procrastinate?
Much better to make strategic game plan, and then…
IGNITE! (Yeah, I used your signature, John).
Stay awesome!
Hi Tor,
Let me start by wishing you a very Happy Birthday, though I wished you on Facebook earlier, but it’s always good to wish you at your place, right here! 🙂
My goodness! You sure have achieved a great deal in such a short time period, which is commendable! Your hard work and efforts are well noticeable my friend, and we wish you many more years of success and happiness, especially now when you start your family.
Thanks so much for the kind mention, along with so many others – truly an honor to know you. Have a nice week ahead 🙂
Thanks a lot, Harleena.
I really appreciate your great comment, my friend.
I`m honoured to know you as well 🙂
Tolstoy had nothing on you Tor, congrats on the baby, the blogging action and all your achievements so far. The best as they say, is yet to come
Hi Sarah, your kind words just made my day!
I really appreciate your support, my friend.
^5^5 to a great mastermind partner and wonderful writer/blogger! You are the best and I’m glad you are in my life.
Thanks a lot for your kind words, Sue. It means a lot coming from you my BOFF(best online friends forever) 🙂 The feelings are mutual!
Happy birthday Tor! It’s been quite a year for you again.
Thanks for including me in your list. You’ve compiled an amazing collection of people here, all worth studying if you can find the time.
Keep up the good work!
Thanks a lot for your kind words, Yaro.
It means a lot to me.
You are one of the main reasons why I managed to start a successful blog in the start. Your wisdom and support means the world to me.
What a nice surprise!
Thanks for including me in your list. Everyone you mentioned are awesome so I’m humbled that I’m a part of this group.
Keep up the rad stuff and I hope Luna is out of her colic phase. My daughter had bouts of that and I found using a probiotic to really help (I can email you the name).
Thanks a lot, Elna.
Luna is doing better now, thanks.
I really appreciate your nice email with the tip, though.
Stay awesome, my friend!
Hey Tor,
Wow, what a year you’ve had and I hope you’re having a very happy birthday! You definitely deserve everything this life has to offer and enjoy it on your special day.
You’ve accomplished so much this year and am in awe of what you’ve achieved. You just prove to all of us that when you hit the ground running that things can happen.
Thank you for including me and I know what you mean. I’ve run across some amazing people myself that I’m so thankful that I met and you’re on that list as well.
I know your course will be awesome and I hope everyone signs up quickly.
Have a great end to your week and Happy Holidays! I’m definitely sharing this one.
Thanks a lot, Adrienne.
You kind words warm my heart. The feeling is mutual, my friend.
The Engagement Superstar has inspired more than once 😉
The signups for the course went great. I got the cap on the 100 first subscribers in 8 hours.
I am setting up a waiting list now for the free course.
Keep rocking!
Happy Birthday Tor!
I love your voice and your style. And your high fives! *SLAP* 🙂
I look forward to learning much greatness from you.
Thanks and hope the colicky days are far behind you!
Jan, you are so kind.
I like you already 😉
I really appreciate your kind words. It makes all the hard work and effort totally worth it!
Have a great day, and I`m looking forward to getting to know you better.
Happy birthday Tor!
You’ve met a ton of people and went on a productivity spree the whole year. Crazy how much you’ve gotten done.
Enjoy your time with Luna, it’s going to breeze by so fast.
Happy holidays to you and your family!
Thanks a lot, Dennis.
Your kind words mean a lot.
Yeah, I got to admit that it has taken a lot of hard and strategic work. That being said, it was totally worth it.
It`s all about your strong why.
How much do you want the prize, and what are you willing to sacrifice in order to get it?
Happy holidays to you and your family too 🙂
Happy B’day Tor. It’s been a wonderful year for you. You have received lots of love from the authoritative figures in the market. So, this post is a wonderful way of emoting the same love for them. A sweet return gift.
You made this day possible by your consistent hard work. I have been seeing your valuable content on various sites. It takes lots of guts to leave six figure comfortable job. On top of that, you took the decision when you were expecting a baby. I hope Luna is feeling fine right now. Give my love to her.
High Five to You “SLAP’ and ‘Respect’ buddy
As I have completed my e-book, I am also planning to launch blogger outreach via guest posting. I have big plans for the next year. Let’s see how things work out in future.
Have a great life. More Power to you
Thanks a for your kind words, Yatin.
Your support means a lot 🙂
Exciting about your e-book. Good luck with that 🙂
Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Thanks Tor for showing the interest for my e-book. It’s a 20 chapters free E-Book on content marketing. If you allow me, I’d like to send the pdf to you. I am having your e-mail id.
Let me know about it buddy 🙂
Happy Birth Day buddy!
I’m super-excited to see how your last year hast been so productive, getting mentioned and connecting with other savvy bloggers. It’s been (and is still) a blessing connecting and sharing with you mate.
One thing I know is that there are better days ahead so let’s keep giving.
Congratulations, buddy! Many more years 😉
Thanks a lot for your kind words, Enstine.
I really appreciate it. The feeling is mutual, my friend 🙂
Your support means a lot.
Happy Belated Birthday Tor! Hope you enjoyed it.
Thanks SO much for lumping me in with this extraordinary group of bloggers 😉
Thanks a lot, Ryan. My birthday was great!
The pleasure was all mine 🙂
Merry Christmas, buddy.
Very kind of you to give me a shout out on your birthday, Tor. Thank you!
Here’s to making 2016 our best year so far!
Thanks for commenting, Brent.
Yeah, cheers to that my friend 🙂
Merry Christmas!
Hi Tor,
I meant to follow up on your reply… I’m curious.
You obviously encountered an overwhelming level of success thanks to guest posting in 2015… what are some of your goals for this year?
Do you think you’ll blow those numbers out of the water?
Hey Brent,
thanks for following up.
When me and my better half, Sara, bought a new apartment when I just started my online business, I obviously didn´t have a fixed income like in a 9-5 job.
However, what I did have, and which I have been working my b*tt for in the last few years, was a descent “I have escaped the rat race” fund.
That being said, the bank needed to freeze 95% of that money in order for us to get a loan.
So my only focus this year is the month of May.
By the end of May I will have hit: 4000 subscribers and earn $3000 per month.
So the bank can release my money from prison, and I can finally buy my baby daughter, Luna, a pink unicorn.
Well, I probably have to buy a horse, paint it pink and glue a horn to the forehead (*psst* Don´t tell Luna about it).
Obviously I have goals for each month, however it´s all about May.
Thanks for asking, my friend.
Rock on!
Sorry for just getting back to this comment now, Tor.
I can’t wait to hear how this year shapes up for you — especially May. Keep me posted.
No worries, Brent.
Thanks. Will do, my friend 🙂
Hey Tor,
First off Happy Birthday!
I have to tip my hat off to you. You have accomplished a lot within in a short time. My plan next you is to do more networking and it looks like I’ve connected many of the people you’ve connected with which gives me a lot of motivation. I look forward to 2016!
Thanks for the motivating post Tor! Have a great weekend!
Thanks for your commenting, Sherman.
You kind words are mucho appreciated 🙂
In 2016, we will tear it wide open!
Merry Christmas!
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my brotha from anotha motha!
You’re a grade A rockstar, and I can’t thank you enough for including me in this epic roundup of awesome sauce. I’m so grateful we connected this year.
Here’s to nothing but massive success for you and your family, Tor! <3
Dre, thanks a lot for your awesome words, my sista from another mista!
Your support and our friendship means a lot.
You totally rock!
High five *SLAP*
Merry Christmas, Dre!
Happy Birthday Tor, from a fellow SBO member. Love your enthusiasm and I’m so impressed by your list of achievements in 2015. It has inspired me to aim for a similar list this time next year. 2016 will be my first year of blogging and if I can come up with half that number of achievements, I will be ecstatic. Happy Christmas too!
Thanks a lot, Mel.
Your kind words makes all the hard work and effort totally worth it.
You can do it too!
Get a blogging coach and take action 😉
High five *SLAP*
Merry Christmas!
Oh my, Tor! I’m honored that you thought of this on your birthday. I’m celebrating a fantastic year to come for you. Your tenacity and will to serve others with amazing content will pay off big time.
Keep up the great work. Here’s to a brilliant 2016, my friend!
Tanya, thanks a lot for your kind words.
I really appreciate it.
Merry Christmas, my friend!
Sorry I got to this one so late buddy.
Hope you had a great birthday and I wish you the best of luck with your site going forward in 2016!
No sweat, Glen.
Thanks for commenting and for your kind words, my friend.
My birthday was great by the way; my better half, Sara, got me sushi from the best sushi restaurant in Norway and a few Coronas with lime. Not the worst way to spend my birthday 😉
Merry Christmas!
Hi Tor,
Here comes a bit belated birthday wishes.
May you have an amazing year ahead.
Happy to know a bit more about your wonderful journey and the amazing relationship with fellow beings!
Good to read about the featured bloggers, many of my favs are in few I yet to visit,
Thanks for sharing this wonderful gift to us.
Keep going!
All good wishes for all your future endeavours.
I registered in
Thanks for your offer.
Best Regards
~ Philip
Thanks a lot, Philip!
Have a super day 🙂
You’re totally incredible and inspiring. By the way me too my baby Brooklyn had colic and it was making me horrible.
Thanks a lot for your kind words, Bill.
It means a lot 🙂
Sorry to hear about your baby Brooklyn having colic. It will pass after about 3 months.
Have an awesome day!
Hey Tor! Thank you for such an inspiring article!
I have started my own blog recently, and I perfectly understand every word you say. Mutual relationship is the best thing blogging can give you. Friendship, support – what can be better?
I wish you success and I’m sure you will achieve everything you wish for in life! I hope one day I will join this wonderful group of people you have mentioned here.
Thanks for your kind words, Michael.
Rock on and a happy new year! 🙂
Hi Tor,
Wish you a belated happy birthday!
I’ve been in your shoes- left a corporate job so I could be with my newborn(who did not sleep for a year) and pursue a freelance writing career both at the same time.
While it was very tough, the end result was extremely satisfying. Your story is inspirational and will motivate me to work harder on my online writing business. Thanks for sharing and best wishes for the new year!
Hey Patricia,
thanks for your comment and for sharing your story.
I really appreciate that.
Nothing worth accomplishing is achieved easy.
Hard and strategic work usually pays off 😉
Happy New Year!
Hi Tor,
Happy New Year! This post is such a inspiring post! Being a newbie how to make relationship with the bloggers, friends and how to drive traffic is some points! Enjoy the Article!
Thanks for your kind words. I really appreciate it.
Have a great day!
Hello Tor,
Wow you are famous my man and absolutely delighted to visit your place.
Congratulations on your amazing success – your story is something that excites, inspires and scares the hell out of me – all at the same time!
Actually found you via the Jon Morrow Guest Blogging course that I’m right in the middle of completing and inspired by your case study. Also earlier today I saw your brilliant comment on Sue Anne Dunlevie’s post about ‘The Truth About Making Money with your Blog”
Have joined your blogger outreach program as I’m sure you will add some unique ideas to the program Jon Morrow is currently taking me through.
Looking forward to knowing you more Tor and thanks for your inspiration
Best wishes from a remote Thai village blogger
Hey Peter,
your kind words just made my day. Comments like those make all the hard work and effort totally worth it.
Thanks a lot 🙂
My recipe was basically:
1. Get a coach
2. Blogger outreach like your life was depending on it
3. Apply massive action (and have no excuses)
Looking forward to get to know you better, Peter.
Thanks for signing up for my course.
I will dish out some exclusive awesomeness there 😉
Rock on!
I am a big fan of Jon Morrow and love his blog boostblogtraffic. This is really informative blog post and i love it. I read about you at
Thanks for your kind words, Tahir 🙂
Both Jon and Sue rocks!
Wow this is incredible Tor! What you have achieved is truly remarkable and inspirational for others out there who are starting their blogs online. Great deal to learn from this. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for your kind words, Bharat.
My recipe was:
1. Get a coach
2. Blogger outreach and network with influencers
3. Apply massive action
It works like a charm 🙂
What a fantastic year Tor. Congratulations mate. I remember I started following you in the beginning. So good to hear of your amazing year and success. I have been a bit out of the loop doing other things and finding my niche. I have started again, arrrghh no traffic. But on the right track now. Be good to reconnect. 🙂
Thanks for your kind words, Julie 🙂
Finding your niche is very important. If not, it´s like running as fast as you can with no direction.
How do you know when you arrive at your destination?
Or even worse, after many months of hard work, you finally discover that you were going in the complete opposite direction.
Spend your time on nailing your niche and your target customers.
That will save you for a lot of frustration in the future 😉
Hi Tor,
Congratulations on your success. I need to ask something how do you monetize your blog.
Hey Aravinth, thanks for your kind words.
Good question.
I do about $3000+ per month in coaching, and I recently launched my first product using something I call The Pre-Free Technique, which resulted in $6000+ in sales. And I make a few dollars in affiliate commission.
Yes!!! Just what I needed. Now this is what will be keeping me busy this weekend as I take on new content for my craft beer blog! Praises to you for this information 🙂
Thanks a lot for your kind words, Caitlin.
Glad to hear that you found my post useful.
Have a super day!