Have you ever tried to set personal goals?
If the answer is yes, please keep on reading.
If the answer is no, you should definitely STOP whatever you are doing and read this post NOW.
The mastery of the skill: how to set personal goals (and reach them), makes the difference between the people who have success and the people who don`t.
Let`s cut to the chase.
The 3 Tips On How To Set Personal Goals (And Reach Them)
Activity 1 – set a clear “big hairy goal”
The first you should do is to set a clear goal that would change your life. What goal would that be? Use the DUMB Goal setting template to define it. Do it now.
If you haven`t ready my post about DUMB goals, you should: Want To Become A Winner? Use The DUMB Goals System.
The DUMB Goal setting template, can be found in my FREE eBook. Fill in your email at the end of this post and download it.
Please do not continue reading before you have written down your goal.
Activity 2 – break the big hairy goal down into smaller realistic goals
Do a brainstorming. What activities do you need to do in order to achieve your big hairy goal?
If you are not sure what need to be done: find out.
You can “Google” it, ask a mentor or someone you know who has the knowledge. If neither of the latter suggestions made any result, find an expert person in that area (who you don’t know) and contact the person. Be polite and ask for advice. Successful people like to share their knowledge with other people. They have also been in your shoes, and they have also learned from others.
When you have the list of required activities you need to perform in order to reach your big hairy goal, break them down into smaller goals by using SMART goals approach. This would probably result in 1 DUMB goal, which has been divided into several SMART goals.
For more info on SMART goals, read The SMART Goal Definition (And Why It Can Boost Your Success)
To see an example on how to break a big goal into smaller realistic goals, read How To Become A World Champion(The DUMB SMART System).
Activity 3 – Analyze the sacrifice and decide
Now you should have the overview of what it takes to reach your big hairy goal.
You will now have to answer 3 important key questions that will guide you toward your success. I learned them from Brian Tracy, and they serve as a compass toward my big hairy goals.
Question 1: Do you know what you want?
The answer should be yes. It should be your big hairy goal, which we set it activity 1.
Question 2: Do you know what you need to sacrifice in order to achieve it?
The answer should also be yes. It should be all your smaller goals which we mapped out in activity 2.
Question 3: Are you willing to do the necessary sacrifice in order to get what you want?
So, what you see is what you have to sacrifice in order to achieve what you want.
Why do I use the word sacrifice?
Because reaching your goals and being a successful person requires sacrifice. For every time you say yes to perform an activity (for yourself or others), you automatically eliminates other activities that you rather could be doing.
The more successful you become, the more opportunities you will get, and it is even more important to know which road you should take.
When I got more experienced in my previous corporate career, I got more job and investment opportunities. Now people are contacting me on a regular basis asking me to work for them or to invest in their company.
The difference between successful people and very successful people, is that very successful people say ‘no’ to almost everything.“ – Warren Buffet
If you don`t have enough time in order to complete the activities, you have to make time. If you are not willing to do that, you will not reach your goal.
You should have a burning desire and decide to complete the necessary tasks no matter what.
Brian Tracy says that the difference between a successful person and an unsuccessful person, is that the successful person is willing to do what the unsuccessful person isn`t.
So what is the unsuccessful person isn`t willing to do?
The successful person is doing the same tasks that the unsuccessful person isn`t willing to do, but he does it anyway.
Back to YOU.
Let me repeat the question for you, since it is extremely important.
Are you willing to do the necessary sacrifice in order to get what you want?
If the answer is yes, and you actually do whatever it takes, your actions will reap results in the future that will be spoken of as legendary.
The mayor of your hometown will erect a 15 feet statue of you outside the city hall.
People will not only copy your haircut and dress code, they will even be naming their first-born child after you.
Yes, I know that the last comment was of the humorous kind, however, it still doesn`t change the fact that if you can have the self-discipline to persevere and reach your big goal, you will be admired. (If you just want to attract the other sex, you should probably do something a bit less hard; learn to play guitar or learn to cook really good food (which would cast a magic spell on the people eating your dish).
To wrap it up: analyze what you want to plant(goal) – sow the seed(perform actions) – reap the harvest(results).
What to do next
What`s your experience with setting goals?
Are you willing to make the necessary sacrifice to achieve your goal?
(Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net and iosphere)
Tor Refsland
I help online entrepreneurs NETWORK with influencers and position their BRAND so they can attract the right CLIENTS fast. Award-winning blogger.
Hi Tor,
Powerful and practical tips here.
Thanks for sharing!
Great to see you here, Ryan.
I`m glad that you enjoy my tips 🙂
Hey Tor,
Fantastic tips. Having a goal in mind makes it easy to perform action. Every action has result . Everyone should have their goal to earn success.
Thanks for your great comment, Mustafa.
Goals are milestones along the road towards your big journey.
Hello, Tor,
Excellent article, I enjoy reading about goals – yes!
Definitely will be achieving more and working less in 2015, that’s for sure. Just finished my planning session for the first quarter of the new year and top on the list, is getting healthier!
Then, I’ll be able to accomplish my business goals. I start with the end result – what I actually want to have happen, where I want to be, and like you said….Plan out the step-by-step actions to make that happen. When it’s put in front of us like that, we can’t help but succeed!
Great article, Tor – will be passing it along…
Happy New Year!
Hi Carol,
so nice of you to stop by and thanks for sharing your comments 🙂
Focusing on improving your health sounds like a good plan. Health is the most important fundament that the others parts in our life are based on. Our health will influence both our personal life and business.
They say that most people take their health for granted, but when their health becomes bad, they will do anything to improve it. In some cases, it`s often too little, too late.
Most people think that they will be so worn out after a training session, that they won`t have the energy to do anything productive. It`s quite the contrary.
I remember when I used to train 8 times a week (yeah, that was a rather insane moment in my life), I got a lot of more extra energy.
Thanks for sharing it, Carol.
I really appreciate it.
Happy New Year to you too!
My tips that don’t set a high goal which you can reach, just be normal and more goal after the first get success. It would be better.
Hi Anette.
Thanks for stopping by to comment.
Yes, in the start it`s smart to set realistic goals in order to build self-esteem. Then you can move on to higher goals.
Many people do the mistake of setting unrealistic goals, which again makes them lose confidence in themselves when they don`t reach it.
Baby-steps is key in the start.
Heyya., Fantastic tips. Having a goal in mind makes it easy to perform action. Every action has result . Everyone should have their goal to earn success.
Thanks for commenting, Sneha.
I totally agree with what you are saying 🙂
Very interesting article…..all the tips you have shared are very helpful in making personal goals and achieve them in very nice way…thanks…