Have you ever wondered about if there is a recipe for how to become a world champion?
The good news is that it exists.
The bad news is that it`s very hard.
Problem solving does often require you to think outside the box.
If you have a challenging situation that other people also have, and they haven`t managed to solve it, you will need to do something different that they have, in order to achieve a different outcome.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.“ – Albert Einstein
[Tweet “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” -Einstein”]
The best way to often solve a challenging situation is to apply logic and best practices. If that still doesn`t give the expected outcome, you should become more creative and think outside the box. That is exactly what we are going to do now.
But before you continue, if you haven`t already read my posts about SMART goals setting and DUMB goals setting, you should. Press the following links: The SMART Goal Definition (And Why It Can Boost Your Success) and Want To Become A Winner? Use The DUMB Goals System.
If you want to reach your true potential, you should do a combination between DUMB goal setting and SMART goal setting. This is a system I have called the DUMB SMART system. This will give you the best from two worlds. You would be using two different processes, have several goals leading to the ultimate goal. What do I mean?
I will explain. Let`s say that you need to pick a big hairy goal: you want to become the world champion in kickboxing.
We can all agree that it`s a DUMB goal?
DUMB goal: to become the world champion in kickboxing. So, now we have established a big goal. What`s next?
Further we could break the goal down into smaller goals.
Which approach should we use now?
If you said SMART goals approach, you are correct. In that case, let`s do a high five. *Slap* (If you didn`t guess correctly, you still got the high five).
Several years ago, I was training kickboxing in the best kickboxing club in Norway, Fighter Kickboxing Club. There I was tutored by, Daimi Akin, the coach of the Norwegian Kickboxing team. One of the people in our training class, was Mette Solli. At that time she was the reigning World Kickboxing Champion (full contact). She has won the Professional World Champion title six times.
So which activities must be performed in order to become a world champion in kickboxing?
– correct nutrition
– correct cardio training
– correct strength training
– correct technique training
– correct sparring training
– experience in the ring (real full contact matches)
– very good coach
– very good sparring partners
(The activities above must be adapted, optimized and planned for each individual.)
Let`s convert the focus activities into SMART goals:
– Nutrition plan
– Cardio training plan
– Strength training plan
– Technique training plan
– Sparring training plan
– Time in the ring plan
– Feedback from coach plan
The picture below displays how the correct smaller activities(SMART goals) will lead us to reach the big hairy goal(DUMB goal) in the future.
In addition, it will require that you have a burning desire to do the necessary activities, and the heart and determination to keep on going, no matter what.
[Tweet “It will require a burning desire to do the necessary activities, no matter what #success #winning”]
Now you have the recipe to achieve greatness and make your mark on the world. Go get `em, tiger!
What`s your experience with handling big hairy goals?
(Photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net and Naypong)
Tor Refsland
I help online entrepreneurs NETWORK with influencers and position their BRAND so they can attract the right CLIENTS fast. Award-winning blogger.
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Thanks a lot for your kind words, Eva. I really appreciate that 🙂
Good luck with your blogging 🙂